Body: Rear of car may
be open, not extend over 76 inches, which is maximum width. Rear Bumper may not extend past ½ width of rear tire, or mat have
90 degree turn and stay within quarter. Front push bar is not to exceed width of chassis, may brace. Rear spoiler, 8-inch
max. tolerance) and 45” maximum height from ground. See diagram. There will be 1-inch tolerance all body parts. No wedge
body’s or nose pieces.
2.Chassis: Wheel base of 101 inch minimum.
4.Rear End: Any
7.Tires:Hoosier D55spec Track Tire,11x92 or 90x17.5. Must punch 55 at
anytime. May grove tires.
9.Transmission:Any, must have working reverse. Must have safety loop.
10.Flywheel:Any clutch, any flywheel
11.Engine Location: (Chevy)6” plug to top ball joint. (Ford) 7.5
from #1 plug. 1” tolerance.
12.Fuel:racing gas, must pass track test
13.Weight:2300 pounds after race. Dry sump add 50lbs roller cam add
14.Engine Specs-365 cubic inch, NO TOLERANCE
-Block: Any cast iron, SVO OK
-Crank: Any steel
-Rods: Any steel
-Piston: Flat top only
-Oil Pan: Any
-Heads: Any OEM cast iron; you may hand blend 1.5 inch from top to 45 degree ONLY. Iron Eagle
not exceed 215 runner (number must be molded in head) Bowtie OK, Dart Sportsman parts #1112, 1122, 1212, 1222, 1115, 1125,
1215, 1225 Ford Head: M-6049-N351. You may run brodex Supr spec head chambers no bigger than 62 c.c.‘s. with a 100 pound
weight break and 4” more rear spoiler (any bore any stroke but not over 365 cid)
-Valve: Any
-Valve Springs: Any
-Retainers: Any
-Cam: Any
-Lifter: Any
-Fuel Pump: No Electric
-Ignition: Any
-Header: Any but must run mufflers
Protest: (3 things only) $450.00 with track retaining $100.00; Bottom end $650.00
A. Driver being protested must put up $100.00 to accept or disqualified.
B. Protest has to be presented in writing with protest fee within 6 minutes after race.
Protest will be accepted on Block, Rods, Piston, Head, and Cubic Inch only.